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114体育网 | 2022-12-26 08:23:58



The sixth senseThe "sixth sense" is often said to be a strong feeling that a person has about something or someone. Read about one mother"s experience. I had a feeling ...Kathy Sansano arrived home from work two months ago at 7:00 in the evening. "Usually, my husband is home before me, but when I got in, his briefcase was there, but he wasn"t," recalls Sansano. She just thought that he want to the store for something. Sansano began preparing dinner, but couldn"t shake the feeling that something was wrong. "I just started feeling very anxious and had to sit down. Five minutes later my husband phoned to say that our son had been injured in a football game at school."Luckily, the boy only had a broken wrist, but Sansano still can"t explain how she knew something was wrong. "It might have been "mother"s intuition (直觉)"" she laughs. "My son and I have always been very close."Science points out five basic senses that humans use to experience the world. There is now evidence that human may also own a sixth sense-or an intuition about people or events. Recent studies suggest that insects and animals release odorless(meaning "without any smells") chemicals into the environment to send signal emotions such as fear or aggression (侵略). When another creature of the same kind senses the chemical, certain behavior is caused in that creature; for example, it will prepare to fight or to protect itself. Scientists believe that humans long ago may have communicated using these kinds of chemical signals. "I walked into the room, and something just didn"t seem right." It may be that the person is sensing chemical messages that have been produced by others. Kathy Sansano"s husband may have left the house feeling afraid and worried about their son. When Kathy got home, she sensed his worry.【1】Kathy"s husband came home earlier than his wife that evening, didn"t he?_____________________________.【2】What happened to their son at school?_____________________________.【3】What made Kathy have the feeling that something was wrong?_____________________________.【4】According to recent studies, how do insects and animals send signal emotions?_____________________________.【5】What will you probably do if you sense the messages of "fear"?_____________________________.【6】Do you believe there is a sixth sense in life? Show you reason(s) or example(s)._____________________________.


【1】Yes, he did.【2】He was injured / had been injured in a football game. / He had a broken wrist in a football game.【3】Mother"s intuition. / Kathy"s intuition. / Her/An intuition / The sixth sense. /Her husband"s chemical signals(messages).【4】By releasing / They release odorless chemicals into the environment.【5】(I will) prepare to fight / (or find ways) to protect myself. / (I will) fight to protect myself.【6】Yes, I believe. Once I dreamed to fail in an exam. I really didn"t do well the next day./ Yes, I do. Two months ago, when I felt uneasy at school, my mother hurt herself at work./ No, I don"t believe. Because I never have such a feeling in my life. It might just be a joke./ No, I don"t. Because maybe it is just a chance/case to have the feeling at the moment. (Any reasonable answers are acceptable.)


本文以一位母亲的经历介绍了“第六感”。“第六感”通常被认为是一个人对某事或某人的强烈感觉。一天,凯西感到非常焦虑,结果她的儿子在学校的一场足球比赛中受伤了。第六感觉可能是这个人感觉到了别人产生的化学信息。【1】题意:凯西的丈夫那天晚上比妻子早回家,是吗?根据第3段中“"Usually, my husband is home before me, but when I got in, his briefcase was there, but he wasn"t," … Five minutes later my husband phoned to say that our son had been injured in a football game at school."(“通常,我丈夫比我先到家,但我进去时,他的公文包在那里,但他不在,”……五分钟后,我丈夫打电话说,我们儿子在学校的一场足球比赛中受伤。”)”可知“凯西的丈夫那天晚上比妻子早回家”,故答案为“Yes, he did.”。【2】题意:他们的儿子在学校怎么了?根据第3段最后一句“Five minutes later my husband phoned to say that our son had been injured in a football game at school.(五分钟后,我丈夫打电话说,我们儿子在学校的一场足球比赛中受伤。)”及第4段第1句“Luckily, the boy only had a broken wrist(幸运的是,这个男孩只是手腕骨折。)可知“他受伤了/他在足球比赛中受伤了。/他在足球比赛中手腕骨折了。”故答案为“He was injured / had been injured in a football game. / He had a broken wrist in a football game.”。【3】题意:是什么让凯西觉得不对劲?根据第4段最后一句中“It might have been "mother"s intuition (直觉)(她笑着说:“可能是‘母亲的直觉’。”)”及第1段第1句“The "sixth sense" is often said to be a strong feeling that a person has about something or someone.(“第六感”通常被认为是一个人对某事或某人的强烈感觉。)以及第6段第3句“It may be that the person is sensing chemical messages that have been produced by others.(可能是人感觉到了其他人产生的化学信息。)”可知“母亲的直觉。/凯西的直觉。/她的直觉/直觉/第六感觉/她丈夫的化学信号(信息)让凯西觉得不对劲。故答案为“Mother"s intuition. / Kathy"s intuition. / Her/An intuition / The sixth sense. /Her husband"s chemical signals(messages).”。【4】题意:根据最近的研究,昆虫和动物如何传递情感信号?根据第5段第3句“Recent studies suggest that insects and animals release odorless(meaning "without any smells") chemicals into the environment to send signal emotions such as fear or aggression.(最近的研究表明,昆虫和动物向环境释放无嗅的化学物质(意思是“没有任何气味”),以传递诸如恐惧或攻击等信号情绪。)”可知“通过释放/他们释放无味的化学物质到环境中传递情感信号”。故答案为“By releasing / They release odorless chemicals into the environment.”。【5】题意:如果您感觉到“恐惧”的讯息,您可能会怎么做?根据第5段第3和4句“Recent studies suggest that insects and animals release odorless(meaning "without any smells") chemicals into the environment to send signal emotions such as fear or aggression When another creature of the same kind senses the chemical, certain behavior is caused in that creature; for example, it will prepare to fight or to protect itself. (最近的研究表明,昆虫和动物向环境释放无嗅的化学物质(意思是“没有任何气味”),以传递诸如恐惧或攻击等情绪信号。当同类的另一个生物感觉到这种化学物质时,就会在这种生物身上产生某种行为;例如,它会准备战斗或保护自己。)”结合常识可知“(我会)准备战斗/(或想办法)保护自己。/(我会)为保护自己而战。”故答案为“(I will) prepare to fight / (or find ways) to protect myself. / (I will) fight to protect myself.”。【6】题意:您相信生活中有第六感吗? 向您显示原因或示例。本题是开放性题目,答案不唯一,合理即可。可以是:是的,我相信。有一次我梦想考试不及格。第二天我真的做得不好。/是的,我相信。两个月前,当我在学校感到不安时,我母亲在工作中受伤了。/不,我不相信。因为我这辈子从来没有这种感觉。这可能只是个玩笑。/不,我不相信。因为也许那时有这种感觉只是一次偶然。故答案为“Yes, I believe. Once I dreamed to fail in an exam. I really didn"t do well the next day./ Yes, I do. Two months ago, when I felt uneasy at school, my mother hurt herself at work./ No, I don"t believe. Because I never have such a feeling in my life. It might just be a joke./ No, I don"t. Because maybe it is just a chance/case to have the feeling at the moment. ”。


标签: 第六感觉 这种感觉 对大家有

  • 标签:第六感觉,这种感觉,对大家有


