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114体育网 | 2022-12-26 08:12:25



【题文】SEALIFESydneyNo trip to Sydney is complete without visiting SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium.Specialties:★More than 12,000 sea animals.★Over 100 metres of glass viewing tunnels.★Within inches of huge sharks, rays, dugongs(儒艮)and turtles swimming above your head.Dugong IslandDugong Island hosts some dugongs and a variety of tropical fish. It is said that when early delirious sailors fromEurope finally arrived in Australia’s waters, they mistook theanimals for mermaids(美人鱼)after too long out on the ocean.Shark ValleyFace your fears on the Shark Walk and walk over some of the world’s biggest aquarium sharks, such as Grey Nurse Sharks. Although their sharp teeth make them look terrible, they offer no threat to humans.Discovery Rock-poolNot all the animals are behind glass at SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium! Come and meet one of our experts and make an amazing discovery at our rock-pool. You’ll be able to see and touch sea stars, shark eggs, shells and more! And yes, hand cleaner is provided.Opening time this summerRegular Trading Hours:9:30 am - 7:00 pm (last entry 6:00 pm)Christmas Day Hours:9:30 am - 3 pm (last entry 2 pm)New Year’s Eve Hours:9:30 am - 3 pm (last entry 2 pm)Price (Children under 4years old are free!)TICKETSave up to 20% - Online Only!GENERAL ADMISSION46atthedoor36.80ADULT FROM (CHILD $26.40)【小题1】How many specialties of SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium are mentioned in the material?A.12,000B.100C.46D.3【小题2】The underlined word “delirious” probably means “too ________ to recognize what one sees.”A.sadB.excitedC.nervousD.confused【小题3】If Mr. Clark takes his wife and 10-year-old daughter to SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium and he buys the tickets online, he should pay ________ for the entrance fee.A.$ 63.2B.$ 73.6C.$ 100D.$ 128.8【小题4】Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?A.There are only dugongs in Dugong Island.B.The opening hours on Christmas Day lasts 5 hours and a half.C.Grey Nurse Sharks offer great threat to human beings.D.All the animals are behind glass at SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium.【小题5】What can we infer(推测)from the passage?A.The population of Grey Nurse Sharks is smaller than before.B.SEALIFE Sydney Aquarium is the best tourist attraction in Australia.C.It is not convenient for kids to clean their hands after touching starfish.D.SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium is an educational place for people to learn about sea life.【小题6】Which of the following is NOT the writing purpose of the text?A.To ask people to take action to protect sea animalsB.To attract the tourists to SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium.C.To provide useful information for tourists before their visit.D.To introduce some exciting places in SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium.




【解析】【分析】本文介绍了海洋生物悉尼水族馆特色、一些令人兴奋的地方、开放时间以及儿童和成人票价。【小题1】推理判断题。根据表格二中“Specialties:★More than 12,000 sea animals.★Over 100 metres of glass viewing tunnels.★Within inches of huge sharks, rays, dugongs(儒艮)and turtles swimming above your head.(特色:12000多只海生动物,100多米的玻璃观景隧道,几英寸之内就可以看到巨大的鲨鱼、鳐鱼、儒艮和海龟在你头顶上游动。)”可知“资料中提到了悉尼水族馆海洋生物特色有3条”;故选D。【小题2】词意猜测题。sad悲哀的,难过的;excited激动的,兴奋的;nervous焦虑的,担忧的;confused糊涂的,困惑的,不清楚的。根据下文“they mistook the animals for mermaids(美人鱼)after too long out on the ocean.(他们在海上呆了太久,把这些动物误认为美人鱼。)”可知此句“It is said that when early delirious sailors from Europe finally arrived in Australia’s waters, ”句意是“据说,当来自欧洲的早期神志不清的水手最终到达澳大利亚海域时”,故“delirious”意思是“糊涂的,神志不清的”,选D。【小题3】推理判断题。根据文中“Price (Children under 4years old are free!)/TICKET/Save up to 20% - Online Only!/GENERAL ADMISSION 46atthedoor36.80 ADULT FROM (CHILD 26.40)(价格:(4岁以下儿童免费!)门票:最多可节省2026.40))”可知“如果克拉克先生带着妻子和10岁的女儿去悉尼海洋生物水族馆,他在网上购买门票,他应该支付入场费为:36.80*2+26.40=100(美元)。故选C。【小题4】细节题。根据表格中“Christmas Day Hours:9:30 am - 3 pm (last entry 2 pm) 圣诞节时间:9:上午30点到下午3点(最后一次进入下午2点)”可知“圣诞节开放时间:(12-9:30)+3=5:30;即5个半小时,故正确,选B。【小题5】推理判断题。本文介绍了海洋生物悉尼水族馆特色、开放时间以及儿童和成人票价,我们可知“从本文中我们能推断出悉尼海洋生物水族馆是人们学习海洋生物的教育场所。”故选D。【小题6】主旨题。本文介绍了海洋生物悉尼水族馆特色、一些令人兴奋的地方、开放时间以及儿童和成人票价,及表格一第1句“No trip to Sydney is complete without visiting SEA LIFE Sydney Aquarium.(如果不参观海洋生物悉尼水族馆,悉尼之旅是不完整的。)”可知本文的写作目的是:吸引游客到悉尼海洋生物水族馆;为旅游者提供旅游前的有用信息;介绍悉尼海洋生物水族馆的一些令人兴奋的地方。故“要求人们采取行动保护海洋动物”不是本文的写作目的,选A。


标签: 海洋生物 悉尼水族馆 开放时间

  • 标签:海洋生物,悉尼水族馆,开放时间


