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互联网 | 2023-02-14 06:00:59



Choose the best answer( 根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): Joe Wang loves to travel. He left home when he was eighteen years old. Since then he has never spent more than six months in any country.For the first two years he travelled around the continent of Asia.Then he went to Europe, where he visited ten different countries in three years. He is now in South America,travelling across Brazil. Sometimes Joe take a job to earn money.He worked as a cleaner in a factory in India for a few months.When he was in Italy he worked as a waiter in a restaurant.At other times, when he can afford it,he behaves(举止)as if he is on holiday.He goes to the coast and swims in the sea. Sometimes he joins other tourists visiting the famous landmarks(地标)of a city. Joe makes friends in every new country that he visits.They sometimes invite him to stay with them.Then he does not have to pay for a room in a hostel. In return for their hospitality(好客),he helps with any housework in the house,such as gardening or decorating(装饰). Joe will return to China to live when he has finished travelling. But he has many more countries to visit before then. 1.What did Joe do in India? A. He worked in a restaurant. B.He worked in a factory. C. He had a holiday. D.He stayed with some friends. 2.When will Joe stop travelling? A. He will never stop travelling. B.When he gets back from South America. C. When he runs out of money. D.When he has visited many more countries. 3.Why does Joe help people with gardening or decorating? A. Because they give him a place to sleep.B. Because they are his friends. C. Because they pay him. D.Because they ask him to. 4.Where does Joe go swimming? A. In his friend"s pool. B.At the coast. C. In the sea. D.In a river. 5. How long did Joe spend in Italy? A. More than six months. B.Three years. C. Less than six months. D. Two years. 6. How many European countries did Joe visit? A. Five. B.Ten. C. Twenty. D. Thirty.



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