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互联网 | 2023-01-28 18:03:16



根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Face it: people gossip. You can’t change that. __ 71__ Make the rumor(谣言)stop with you.If you find that the rumor is hurtful in some way, make a stand. __72____ __Others may continue to circulate the gossip, but you’ve made a personalchoice to stay out of it. It’s likely that the rumor will die out much more quickly than if you had joined.Don’t be a listener.When someone comes to you with a rumor, try not to be a listener. This person may want to hurt somebody. Make an effort to say, “I’m not interested in hearing mean gossip.” Listening to and reacting to the rumor and letting it continue make you almost as responsible for its damage as the person who started it. __73__ __If he doesn’t get the reaction or attention he seeks, he’ll be less likely to do it in the future.Be a peacemaker.If one of your friends wants to hurt someone else by spreading lies or rumors, speak up. __74____ __If rumors are getting out of control and someone is being made a real victim(受害者), get a counselor(顾问) or teacher involved._ 75 _Most of the time,you should try to ignore gossip and rumors. But if you hear a rumor about something important, and it doesn’t sound too crazy, ask a teacher or parent what they think. If it’s a modern legend(传说)that you find interesting, you can try searching on the Internet to see if it’s been proven true or not. But remember not to believe everything you read, even on the Internet!A. We need to trust our friends, and rumors can break this trust.B. Let your friend know that this isn’t the right thing to do.C. However, you can change what happens when a rumor comes your way.D. Don’t provide another pair of ears for the rumor-starter.E. You’ll meet someone who’s happy to spread rumors about other people.F.Do’nt take part in spreading it.G. Try to get the facts.




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